Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Love My Manic Side - Eye Of The Hurricane

Yep! Here it comes!...

I've been waiting a long time for this. My good friend is knocking at the door. Some call this "Bi-Polar Disorder". I'm not sure what to think after being given the diagnosis a couple of years ago. I like to think I just have a lot going on in my head.
My good friend is the manic swing I go through periodically and I'm just beginning to feel the onset. I've been stuck in a depression too long and it was starting to scare me a bit. I had been feeling like I'm drowning lately. I think the pressures of work, hurting my back and bad human relations set me on a spiraling descent. Today I began the day in absolute dread but, all of a sudden the clouds went away and everything just went right for me. Running into my therapist at the hospital today and the caring and support I felt in "Ward 86" just kind of brought me back to where I need to be.
I was able to get my medications straightened out, blood tests, appointment next week with my Doc and a big loving hug from my good friend and my insurance re-instated.
I left Ward 86 and just started running and didn't stop till I arrived home 2.2 miles or so later.
When I crossed the threshold kissed and hugged my puppies I grabbed the better half and we ran over to get our taxes done...Yeah! Money back this year!
After a lunch of cheeseburger and fries and homemade apple pie with some strong coffee the mania climbed aboard and none too soon!
Yeah mental illness! Let the entertainment begin!!!

I've been seeking out new positive ways to escape these days. Music, I just don't have the time anymore. Exercise is great but, not enough cerebral activity so, lately I've been really getting into my "Galaxy Tab".
(samsung's answer to the "Ipad").

I just love this thing! It's perfect. I do so much reading now and my favorite thing to do is at night I climb into (my own bed) with my three dogs and watch inspiring documentaries, movies and shows on Hulu, Netflix. The HD picture is amazing and headsets give me the big sound I'm looking for. I find myself going to sleep with good thoughts in the Cabasa and waking up more energized with good thoughts.
By the way...I sleep by with my dogs and let Cathy have her own bed. I love the night sky, city lights and moonlight. I open the windows for lots of cool air. Cathy likes it dark and cooped up in her little room. I'm turning into a wild outdoor pack animal. I like space...
Stay tuned: Where my manic episode takes me no one really knows but, I'm looking forward to the ride...Here we go!
Hope the crash isn't too bad though...
One more thing...
Still thinking of Whitney this week, I came upon a really nice rendition of a Whitney tune...so perfect.
"I wanna dance with somebody"
check it out...

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