Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fool On The Hill...


Day after day, alone on the hill,
The man with the foolish gear is keeping perfectly still.
But nobody wants to blow by him,
They can see that he's just a fool.
And he never gives two S***s

But the fool on the hill,
Sees the fun going down.
And the eyes in his head,
See the wheels spinning around.

This is a posting on BikeForums
I will be leading a contingent of first time Diablo virgins to a conquest of the Devils Mountain on April 1st Sunday.
Beginning at the Dublin/Pleasanton Bart station (approx. 8:45 Ride out)
Iron Horse trail
Crow Canyon
Blackhawk (stop for cup-a-joe) probably around 9:45 if anyone wants to meet at the Blackhawk shopping ctr. Starbucks

South gate
quick breather/regroup Junction
Down No.gate and optional lunch
About 40 miles/5000 feet climbing
these guys I think are pretty decent riders.
I'll be doing my usual 0ne Speed...I only have one speed
I'll either shine or FAIL...

I'm really looking forward to this ride. My running is making me quite a bit stronger on the bike. I kind of was expecting this and glad to experience the reality of it.

Finally starting to feel like it's coming together for me with the running. I feel the training is beginning to pay off. A bit more speed, confidence and anticipation for some of the races I've signed up for.
I'm mixing up a bit of cross country with road running just to make it interesting, although I am taking a chance of injury.
I've read all the training books and extrapolated some of the info but, mostly I'm just going with the way I feel and mixing it up so as not to get bored.
March 15th, after the rain run
I got over some stressful work issues today. State of mind is so important with training. I really feel a physical difference when I begin a workout with some peace of mind. My mid-miles are getting a bit faster and I officially start training for the Bay To Beakers this month.
After Hoppers hands and completing the cross country portion of today's run, I felt I had quite a bit of energy to really do some quick tempo running.
I'm re-registering for the San Francisco "Full marathon" on July 29th. I'm thinking at this point I'll do OK. It's weird that in November this was all just a whimsical pipe dream...

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