Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Third Time Is The Charm

With all the trepidation of a new job, apartment and the move into a horrible neighborhood, I am quite surprised at how things worked out. It all ended up pretty well and I'm actually stymied with  myself that I would have stayed so long at my previous job and taken so much abuse from a bunch of arrogant frackin dweebs who really have no idea how to manage, people, buildings and If I were one of the higher ups they'd all be fired.
To use my least favorite phrase, which I seem to hear once a day now,
"moving on"...
(a passive aggressive dismissal somewhat like..."talk to the hand")!

Over the last month, the process of moving has been quite grueling. I'm hating it more and more as I get older and my back is hating it ever worse.
I was a costly move and I didn't really have a lot of money to pay anyone to help so, the help I did get was pretty shoddy and a lot our furniture arrived pretty beat up and all the lifting just destroyed my back in the process. We had to move into a temporary unit until the manager who got fired moved out. Five days after moving we had to move again.

The new building is in a pretty nasty area of the Tenderloin but, the building has a nice feel to it and the apartment is pretty sweet although a little strange in it's design.
I was afraid for how the dogs would feel about the new place but, they settled in right away and seem quite happy here. There's a nice little courtyard and there are plenty of other dogs for them to hang out with.
The apartment also comes with my own office and it's probably the best part of the deal. It's nice to be back managing buildings again.

The running has been sporadic with the move. My back has been acting up and with only two weeks to the Marathon I'm just a bit worried how I'll hold up. Some cross training on the bike will be in order.
Not a lot of time to blog so I won't fill in the details here.
This is the third move in a short amount of time and I'm hoping this is the charm.

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